Recently, a couple of interesting things is going on here. Which I couldn't ignore;). I like when the people, instead of complaining, are trying to do something with a problem.
We have already a new shopping centre, I'm rather sure that not many inhabitants know exactly what is placed there. In a glance, it's huge and combined with the main station. Which Poznan people apparently don't like. Today, at 5.30 pm there will be a happening, at least according to the plan. 300 of people have confirmed their arrival. I'm curious how many of them will be there and, most of all, if they will be noticed by the authorities. As far as I know, they want to fight for a pedestrian crossing to make the way from the tram stop to the station shorter. Now, it is 0,5 km (!) long. I have already lost my way several times because of the complicated system of tunnels, crossings and so on, which made my way even longer, so today my thoughts are close to them, while my sick body stays in bed.
Also, I was there when there was a "funeral of the old station";). It was really an interesting event to see. Quite a lot of candles and a caption:
Dear Old Station,
Suddenly they took you from us. Your pointless death left in our hearts a void which cannot be filled.
Inhabitants of Poznan and tourists.
Have a nice weekend!